Guest Blogging on He Holds My Right Hand / What Is Your Favorite Song?


This blog was originally posted on Victoria Stankus’s website, He Holds My Right Hand.  The prompt I responded to was, “What is your favorite song. Why?” (My God story is found in the why!) Vicky is a cancer survivor, homeschooler and blogger. Vicky’s plate is full, but she knows her cup overflows with God’s mercy and goodness.  Check out her blog for a transparent peek into her life of following God.

What Is Your Favorite Song?

What is my favorite song? Without hesitation, my answer is, I Will Rise, by Chris Tomlin. The words are a wonderful reminder of what we leave behind here on earth to enter the glory of heaven in God’s presence. As a believer in Jesus Christ, the words are rich. As a follower of Jesus Christ, the words are significant because of God’s timing in my life.

I received a call from my brother-in-law informing me that the doctors had given my mom less than twenty-four hours to live. Taken by surprise and living out of state, my husband and I did the only thing we knew to do: pray, quickly pack, pray, get in the car and drive and pray some more. As I walked out the door, I grabbed a handful of CDs to play during the trip.

The miles passed slowly as I cried, prayed, texted with my sister and listened to music, including Chris Tomlin’s song. The words of I Will Rise touched a tender spot in my heart. Tears cascaded down my cheeks as I thought of my mom’s death. Part way through the song, I smiled uncontrollably as I realized afresh that the resurrection followed death. My mom would experience her resurrection into God’s eternal life with no more pain, sorrow, failing flesh, grave or darkness. Like a rainbow breaking through dark clouds, a comforting peace began to fill my heart.

At my mom’s bedside, we knew the time was soon. To fill the heavy quiet in the room, we softly played music. The words of I Will Rise hung in the air. The second time through the song, my mom took a deep breath and was gone. In my heart, I heard my mom respond to Jesus’s invitation as she grabbed hold of his hand. And I will rise when He calls my name. No more sorrow, no more pain. I will rise on eagle’s wings. Before my God, fall on my knees. And rise, I will rise.

Epilogue: After the song ended the second time, we prayed as a family thanking God that my mom had risen to fall on her knees before God. This beautiful song was shared at my mom’s memorial service. Even today, two years later, every time I hear this song, the words bring tears of joy to my eyes. I will see my mom again.

8 thoughts on “Guest Blogging on He Holds My Right Hand / What Is Your Favorite Song?

  1. Thank you Debbie for sharing about your Mom’s final moments on this earth and the wonderful Hope you have and also this beautiful song that you both shared together, I loved it too, I hope you don’t mind my posting it here for you Debbie, the graphics on this YouTube version are very beautiful and flow with the song, I felt I was on those Eagles wings rising up too,

    The last few days have been very difficult for me as you know but God’s reassurance that all will be well, this special song of yours, your words of comfort and the Scripture you shared with me in your e-mails has lifted me up,

    Thank you dear Debbie for your caring heart.

    Christian Love Always – Anne.


    • Anne, It is good to hear from you again. I was concerned about you since I had not heard back, but I knew that God had heard my prayers for you and your situation! Isaiah 55:10-11, “As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth; It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” (Can you tell that I love the book of Isaiah?!!!) Thanks for the link. Blessings to you. – Debbie


      • I was going to e-mail you Debbie but I think I will share with you now.

        After your e-mail I did feel comforted but later I felt grieved for the Children again, but knew in my heart that I needed to forgive their Mother, I was not at Peace , we never are till we resolve conflict, even if it is just in ourselves, which this would be for now.

        You see Debbie for years I have been helping this Family even after being abused the first time, sometimes they had no food or they needed clothes but mostly they needed Love and reassurance that Jesus cared and Loved them but she still physically and verbally abused me again because she had forgotten what had been planned (long story )

        As I was venting and upset, thinking what needed to be said to her, I stopped because I remembered all the years as an Atheist that I took for granted God’s blessings and never thanked Him and yes I abused Him too by sinning which hurt Him, others and myself , how could I not forgive her when I had been forgiven so much and so I asked God to help me forgive and I did and felt at Peace.

        But riding on my Scooter today going to the Doctors I was upset about the Children with them now thinking bad about me again and I cried but I also asked Jesus to please reassure them that I Loved them and if possible to open a Door so that I could restore the relationship with their Mother again.

        Debbie when I got home the Children were all waiting on my front driveway for me, even the 3 year old, they all started talking together calling me Grannie Annie, asking about their points for Funday School, I hugged them and said they were all doing well but it didn’t last long, one of their Mothers friends told them firmly, they had to go home straight away, they live a few doors down from me but my heart was singing and I have been thanking God, just knowing they still cared about Grannie Annie, they need to Trust someone till they know they can Trust God.

        No they won’t be allowed to come to Funday School unless a Miracle happens to soften their Mothers heart, Can you please pray for this Debbie, God won’t force her to repent but He will show her Longingly the need to, although it will still be her choice, He never forces us to Love and obey, He does not want Puppets.

        Thank you Debbie once again for caring and showing that you do .

        God Bless you greatly – Anne.


  2. When my Dad was fighting his last battle with cancer, I used to have the same experience with the song “Stand.” This post brought it back and I, too, can’t play that song without remembering.


    • Ginene, I thank God for the gifts of songwriters, musicians and singers! (I don’t have an bit of talent in that regard!)It is wonderful how God can turn their gifts into a ministry for rest of us.


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