A Bucket of Blessings



My husband’s family is from the mountains of West Virginia. I fell in love with the people, the natural beauty and the wild huckleberries (blueberries to us mid-westerners.) It was the perfect trio: picking blueberries with good company in the fresh mountain air.

Picking wild blueberries is work. The plants are low to the ground. The patches are spread out yonder. Sometimes the locals are protective of their turf and will scare you with warnings of snakes in their favorite patch. (Thank goodness I never saw a snake!) Picking blueberries requires patience as it takes forever to fill a bucket because wild blueberries are the miniature version of the store-bought kind.

Year after year, I would pick blueberries with my husband’s grandmother and her dear friend Barb. We would pick to our hearts’ content or until it was time for our family to leave West Virginia behind. I remember one year in particular. I shared my many plans for all the blueberries I was picking. Then I asked Barb what she was going to do with her berries. She replied that she was picking for a friend. I wasn’t surprised as Barb was always doing nice things for other people. Barb had many friends.

On the last day of our vacation as were getting ready to pack up and head home, Barb approached me. With her bounty of blueberries picked over the previous week, Barb handed me the container and shared, “These are for you, friend.”

I didn’t see it coming. We had toiled side by side for a week. While picking, I remember thinking that “this friend” must be special to receive such a generous gift. And come to find out, I was that friend! I had been satisfied with what I was able to pick, but Barb had something else in mind: a bucketful of blessings that I didn’t expect. I was floored by her expression of love.

I thank God for His blessings poured out on me in blueberries and in other ways. God blesses us with the help of others as we muddle through life together. God surprises us with blessings in the most difficult places. God brings people into our lives at just that right moment to remind us of His enduring love. God opens our eyes to see Him when all we can focus on is our circumstances. God intends extra blessings even when we are content with what we have.

God fills my bucket of blessings to overflowing.


John 1:16

From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another. 


Psalm 23:5-6

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.



21 thoughts on “A Bucket of Blessings

  1. This really touched me. What a sweet gift, and sweeter lady! It also brings to mind that we are friends of God. He makes our “huckleberry” buckets runneth over. (I didn’t know that huckleberry and blueberry were interchangeable. Interesting.)


    • Donna, We are that “special friend” of God! My husband’s dad and my dad called the wild blueberries huckleberries. I don’t know if it is a generational thing or not. Supposedly huckleberries are a darker blue, almost a black berry. I did an online search to find the scientific differences, but got lost in the mumble jumble of it!


  2. I enjoyed reading “A Bucket of Blessings” this morning. Sometimes we are so busy with life God reminds us that blessings come in all shapes, forms and fashions! 😊


    • Beth… Yes indeed! This past week was a difficult time for our extended family and God used it to show me what you summed up perfectly, “blessings come in all shapes, forms and fashions.” And in the unexpected places. That is the type of God we serve!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I brought some yoghurt today Debbie and it had blueberries in it so I smiled as I read your beautiful Story of friendship expressed in Loving Action, which both of you do.

    I may not be able to give you Blueberries to thank you Debbie for all your encouragement and Godly sharing but believe me I would if I could and much more so instead I will just say Thank you for blessing me.

    Christian Love Always – Anne.


  4. Debbie, I always wondered what huckleberries are. There is a berry that grows in the coppery soil in upper Michigan called a Thimbleberry. Your story about finding out you were the friend Barb was picking berries for is so wonderful. When something like that happens it seems like the world is just one pleasant surprise. I love your blog and it always fills me with joy.


    • Ginene… I know what a thimbleberry is!!!! I have picked and eaten thimbleberries as I grew up in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. (I was a Yooper for 20 years, but, somehow managed NOT to have the Yooper accent.) Thimbleberries are kind of like a raspberry, but drier in my opinion. Of course thimbleberries are in a category all by themselves. What wonderful feedback to know that I have given you mini gifts of joy through my stories!

      Liked by 1 person

        • Ginene… I disliked that other world growing up. Too boring! Now, I love to go back because it is so relaxing to get away. We would travel to Green Bay to do school clothes shopping and visit the “Big City!” LOL!


  5. “I had been satisfied with what I was able to pick, but Barb had something else in mind: a bucketful of blessings that I didn’t expect. I was floored by her expression of love.” Beautiful post my friend that celebrates the many blessings gives us everyday…family, friends, moments, blueberries and the simple joys of life…blessings of overcoming the storm and making it through another day… and so much more. Barb is indeed God’s blessing as you are a priceless blessing to her as well and to everyone around you. God bless you and your family always.


    • Island Traveler, this story was a memory from a long time ago as Barb passed away years ago. Something happened last week, a blessing in that unexpected place, that brought the memory back to mind as if it just happened yesterday. Your blog is filled with pictures of the blessings in your life. It was nice to see you “online” again!


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